Specimen Requirements

Specimen Requirements & Shipping Information

Specimens should be received within 72 hours of collection if possible – maximum 5 days. Store at ambient room temperature or refrigerate until you send; do not freeze.

Our laboratory is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, and on certain holidays (see Terms & Conditions). Please call ahead if you believe a sample might arrive on a weekend or holiday.

Please ship specimens to:
Molecular Vision Lab
1920 NE Stucki Ave, Suite 150
Hillsboro, OR 97006

Specimen Requirements Additional Shipping Requirements
Blood • Collect Whole Blood in an ETDA (purple/lavender top) tube.

For adults, send 3-5mL; For infants, send 1-2mL.

• Do not freeze or centrifuge.

DNA Our tests require at least 2-5 µg. Per CAP requirements, nucleic acids for clinical testing must occur in a CLIA-certified laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements as determined by the CAP and/or the CMS. By submitting a DNA specimen to us, you are attesting that the extracted nucleic acid submitted for testing has been isolated or extracted in an appropriately qualified laboratory.
Saliva • We do not provide kits

Please view saliva sample submission instructions.

Cheek Swab (Preferred) • We provide two cheek swabs for each test ordered. Please follow the instruction and return both swabs. For clients ordering tests from us more regularly, we can stock cheek swabs at the client’s office upon request.

Please view cheek swab sample submission instructions.



• Amniotic Fluid Cell Culture – 2 T25 flasks, filled with media for shipment.

• Amniotic Fluid Direct – Send 2 samples of direct amniotic fluid, 15–20 ml each, in sterile, securely capped plastic tubes. For third trimester samples, send a total of 45–50 ml of direct fluid. If the sample size is small, the cell culture takes precedence over the direct specimen.

• CVS Cell Culture – 2 T25 flasks, filled with media for shipment.

• CVS Direct – After establishing a cell culture, please provide at least 10–15 mg of clean tissue in physiologic buffered saline (PBS) in a sterile, securely capped plastic container. If the sample size is small, the cell culture takes precedence over the direct specimen.

• Maternal Cell Contamination Study (MCC) – We test for maternal cell contamination, test #7, with all prenatal testing. Please provide a maternal blood sample, 2–3 ml, with the fetal sample, send a separate 4-page Order Form for the maternal sample, and include Test #7, MCC on both the maternal and fetal Order Forms.

Maintain the cell culture as a backup until results are reported.